E waste Recycling Management

E-waste Recycling

We are a technology driven society, wherein plenty of electronic devices are being used and discarded. Do you ever wonder what happens to the electronic scraps, how it is disposed-off and where it is dumped? Unfortunately, in India e-waste collection and management are handled by an unorganized sector majorly. Therefore, an unorganized method of being collecting and managing e-waste is adversely affecting the environment. Dumping anything in any way into the landfills is heading towards unfixed environmental damages. As an initiative to save our environment, World Green E-Waste has come up with the fully professional and robust e waste recycling management services; because there is not any other planet Earth in this universe.

What is E-waste and why E-waste Recycling is Important?

If any electronic product is not working, nearing or at the end of its useful life is called e waste. It can be any electronic device namely computer, laptop, home appliances, cords and cables, lamps or lighting systems, audio or video equipment and many more. These expired and broken items are thrown in the garbage or buried in a land. In fact, the e waste is quite dangerous as some of the electronic devices like computer carry harmful materials such as lead, brominated flame retardants, lead and cadmium or other toxics.

Hence, dumping e waste into landfills is poisonous to environment. When electronic scarps are being disposed of in landfill, it can dissolve in a microscopic trace into the gross sludge that pervade at the landfill. This leaching causes sombre risk to our soil, water, air and wildlife. Therefore, instead of discarding or burying electronic scarp to grounds; Recycling is the safest yet best solution to adopt. As per the recent environment tragic condition, even government authorities and entities have been taking essential steps towards e waste recycling.

Consequently, World Green E-Waste has come-up with the e waste recycling management; a proven solution helps to protect environmental health by keeping electronic devices out of landfills. For recycling, we do sorting and separation of plastics from metals. Even the electronic scrap contains various recyclable materials like plastics, glass, metals however considered as junk. Some of the plastics or metals can be reused for manufacturing purposes to produce various kinds of new products. After sorting and separation, we keep up with our extensive search for any part or component has a potential to recover or still have value.following all Covid safety guidelines strictly!

These potential components have been used widely by professional engineers to repair hardware problems in computer systems, laptops or other devices. Therefore, recycling e waste is not just only a best way to protect environment but also to promote usage of recycled components for producing distinct types of applications.

Therefore, if you need our professional assistance for e waste recycling we will be happy to serve. Considering our e waste recycling services is your big step to save environment. So, do not just throw away your expired, broken or damaged electronic devices anywhere! Just call us; we will come to your doorstep for the e waste pick-up by