Battery Scrap and Power Plants Scrap

As like other waste products whether Television, Telephone equipments, Mobile Phones, Air Conditioners, Computers, Laptops, Home Appliances and industrial machines; Battery and Power Plants are also a potential hazardous scrap. Prorecycling Ltd provides all types of Battery & Power Plant Scraps recycling and waste management services. Domestic users, industries or commercial clients can contact us for the quick pick up of the expired batteries and power plants scrap. We will highly appreciate your efforts to call us for having the scrap recycling to save Planet Earth.

Why Battery Recycle is Important?

Batteries are a valuable source of recyclable metal. Battery recycling is a safe and eco-friendly solution to prevent discarding of waste into landfills. Different types of batteries contain toxic and heavy metals like cadmium, lead, mercury and more other hazardous elements that are poisonous to the environment. And, dumping such toxic metal scrap into landfill can cause massive environment pollution. The harmful chemicals and toxins leach out of the battery metal scrap which badly contaminates the land surface and ground water too. Moreover, improper dispose of batteries causes huge water and air pollution. The release of toxic chemicals into soil, air and water has been immensely contributing to Global Warming.

Majorly, there are two different types of battery namely Dry Cell Batteries; these are commonly known as single use batteries and can be recycled. And, Re-chargeable batteries, these contain nickel, cadmium, lead, acid, lithium and more metals; that can be reprocessed for reuse.

What We Can Recycle?

Lead Acid- This is the most common type of battery used in Cars, Boats, Battery Back-ups, energy storage systems, emergency lighting systems, power sump pumps and more applications. More than 70% of the weight of a lead acid battery is reusable.

Lithium Ion- This is also a very common type of battery used in mobile phones, laptops, electric mobility applications, energy storage applications, power back-ups or UPS and other consumer electronic goods. Lithium battery recycling is a relatively a new process but very effective in the near future to save natural resources.

Absolyte Batteries- This type of battery is usually used in big battery back-up units for large data centers. This is basically used in industrial applications by the large manufacturing plants and commercial factories.

Why Power Plant Scrap Recycle?

A Power plant in itself carries variety of metal accessories and machineries. These accessories can be check valves, dual plat check valves, pressure monitoring equipments, steel and iron machines and more. The outdated or expired machineries should be reprocessed or recycled to lessen the amount of waste that goes into landfills. Prorecycling Ltd  uses extensive methods to recycle all kind of Power Plant scraps to save the environment. For Power Plant scrap, you can call us and we will visit you! Prorecycling Ltd can recycle scrap of Nuclear Power Plants, Hydroelectric Power Plants, Coal Fired Power Plants, Solar Power Plants, Wind Power Plants, Gas Fired Power Plants, Diesel Fired Power Plants, Geothermal Power Plants and many more.

Therefore, for battery and power plant scrap recycle or waste management needs you can trust on the authorized professionals like; Prorecycling Ltd. Give us a call for a quick quote!